Package: jikes
Version: 1.18-6
Severity: wishlist

Hi all!

I used to be very busy/without net during last months but I am back.
And attacking ;-)

The problem is that currently jikes (in the sense of source package,
which is important from testing migration scripts POV) depends of
a whole pile of packages. Just take a look:

The problem is that jikes privides wrappers which depend on every
possible JVM in Debian. So for ex. if *ANY* of them won't make it
into testing - we won't have jikes in testing and thus in stable! [0]

Probably the proper fix for that would be that creation of wrappers
should be only up to JVM/classpath maintainers and be done by them,
probably in their JVM/classpath packages.

Are there any reasons not to do so?


                                        Grzegorz B. Prokopski

[0] It was some 3 months ago when I had IRC conversation with
some of our serious developers about how packages migrate to
testing and unless I seriously misunderstood his repeated and
reiterated (at my request) explaination (in my own words):

These are *source* packages which migrate into testing, thus if
*any* of binary resulting packages is held in unstable - whole
source package and thus *all* it's resulting binary packages are
stuck in unstable and none of them can migrate to testing.

Grzegorz B. Prokopski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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