On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 18:04:32 +0200
Jan Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hallo Arnaud,

Hallo Jan,

> * Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> >Same for me,  wait until sarge is out and  let's restart the discussions
> >about a new policy.
> Sorry, but that was exactly the reply I was *not* hoping for. IMO
> there is enough discussion and the whole thing needs some testing. I'm
> also willing to write most of the initial patches. What I'm not
> willing is just sit quiet until the *next* (and next...) discussion.

sorry Jan ;)

I agree with  you but let me explain  (if I have to) why I  did not take
part of all these discussions:

- I had a lot of work at the beginning of the 'java policy' thread;
- then went on holliday;
- then had a lot of work (until late november!). 

So I did not follow all  the thread. I appreciate the summary effort and
after reading this mail I have no special argument to stop your proposal
but I do not  want to second it if it's a MUST  in the policy. You know,
something that makes a bug 'serious'. First  I'm not yet a DD so even if
I can make  the changes soon, I'll  need to ask a sponsor,  I'm not sure
when my packages  will be uploaded. Second, I'm sure  some DD just don't
have the  time to change all their  packages.

> To integrate this changes would be in most cases (we don't have that
> many java *apps*, but lots of libs) a
> 'cp debian/package.jars debian/package/usr/share/java-config/package'
> in debian/rules (or add dh_java during binary-indep).

 OK, it's a  line change for a  library, but you also have  to build the
 .jars file  to complete (also, I  did not catch if  there was different
 jar groups depending on the virtual machine?.. exemple: I don't know if
 all     the    jvm's     have    javax.sql.*,     it's     needed    by
 libcommons-dbcp-java... and  tomcat4. There was an attempt  to make the
 javax.sql.* package  also with jta (but  non free) but I  drop the idea
 because classpath project did  reimplemented it... just an exemple that
 comes in my mind, maybe they are others). 

> For VM maintainer it will be a cp and maybe some looking into the doc
> and adding the right flags, where I missed something.

It seems to be really easy ;) Ean, any comment? :-D

> In the apps it would be CLASSPATH="$(java-config -all $PACKAGE)",
> where $PACKAGE is all converted packages (I will start with the
> low-level libs and work my way up...) and adding the if .. else .. fi
> block around the current 'find java'-magic. 
> All this *does* *not* interfere with current policy.

Well, if I understand, we can slowly begin the work of implementing your
idea  _without a policy  change_ and  when every  packages does  use the
findjava wrapper a good policy text will be ready for inclusion into the
java policy.

> But for all this I need something more than 'wait for the sarge
> release and *restart* discussing *then*'. 

Sorry for the restart the discussion! ;)

> I've no idea  how far the sarge  release is (the last bit  I read said
> two weeks behind),  but it will take at least  another two month (more
> like after  new year). There are  several attemps to  add something to
> the policy in the  BTS and all have died. I'm not  willing to let that
> happen to this attempt.
> So what I'm asking now for is either 
> * Yes, I find this propsal reasonable and think it will work. I intent
>   to add the patches to my packages, if they don't interfere with
>   current policy.

Yes it  seems resonable but  I don't  know if it  will work on  the long
term...   and I  think the  dependency of  libraries in  java is  a java
problem  that must  be solved  in  a java  way: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF  or
something  like this  also in  libraries, not  only in  applications. Or
maybe  an   xml  file   or  a  property   file  in  META-INF   like  the
META-INF/services but I don't know  this purpose very well. I'll discuss
that with a co-worker and will try to study that in the futur weeks.

> I intent to give up proposing this changes, if the second opinion is
> consensus or if noone replys to this.
> I'm sorry to say it this hard, but IMO it does no good to say 'later'
> all the time. 

again sorry.

> Until now, there was almost no reaction form DDs and if,
> the questionable points were hopefully answered or the appropriated
> changes were made. What I want is some more comitment to this, so that
> I see that the work on this isn't wasted.

I don't  know if it's the  better solution but  if I'll be there  to try
your javafind package. I'll look for the informations you provide in the
archives but  once again, I'm  not yet a  DD and I'm very  busy teaching
java at the moment ;)

> And I'm also more than a bit fed up with this 'no reaction' attempt,
> especially when there is almost no work doing the change or just
> reading through the propsal and add a opinion.
> So, please make up your mind.

'Fed up' is hard! Jan, it's not  (at least for me) an easy area and your
mails (Dalibor also  like the long mails ;)) are  not easy to understand
after a  day full of  work and  stress (I don't  tell you about  my wife
complaining  because  I  read  my  mail  :-D).  I  can  understand  it's
frustrating and I have to congratulate you for your work. 

Make up your mind

1° I don't think it's the better solution...;
2° ...but it seems to be a good one at the moment;
3° I don't think your proposal must be marked as 'MUST' or 'REQUIRED';

So (even  if I'm not  yet a DD),  I second your  proposal if point  3 is

Last thing, I did not follow _the whole_ discussion and am not completly
familiar with policy changes and so on. 

Very last  thing, I do prefer focus  on more urgent things.  For me, the
most important thing  at the moment for the  debian-java community is to
have gjdoc in the best shape to be able to build the javadoc with a free
tool, next, ship  gjdoc with kaffe (I'm helping the  kaffe team but have
not the time at the moment). After this major goal, I'd like to have the
most free  jvm and compilers  in the next  stable release... and  in the
best shape as possible. 

I'd like to contribute more to this  thread and I hope to have an easier
and more 'java oriented' solution one day. Thanks for your work Jan, and
sorry to be not so responsive on this thread. 

Best regards,

-- Arnaud

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