Hi Etienne,

let's have some non-lawyerish philosophical licensing discussion fun again ;)

My first issue is with the subject line: Kaffe uses plain GPL, not some special 'Kaffe's GPL'. It should be FSF's GPL, if you'd want to attribute it someone special.

Etienne Gagnon wrote:
Hi Debian-legal, Egon and Dalibor,

The opinion of debian-legal would be highly appreciated by all involved in this
long running thread of discussion about the implications of:

1- Kaffe being licensed under the GNU GPL.
2- Kaffe's class library being licensed under the GNU GPL.
3- Differeing interpretations about what constitutes "linking"
   (more precisely: combining of works to form a derivative)
     a) class libraries and applications,
     b) class libraries and core VM (in the case of Java VM).

See below.

It would have been nice if you had made the arguments of each side clear, before attacking my position. The discussion has not taken place on debian-legal, but on debian-java. I appreciate the way Gadek presented both sides of the previuos argument.

The trouble is that in the rest of your mail you shed very little light on the differing interpretations of what constitutes a derivative work, but instead go on about a hypothetical case to prove your point. That is a very bad way to present your case, in my opinion.

Dalibor Topic wrote:

The language is defined by the Java Language Specification.

<not very important comment>

But the virtual machine is defined by the Java Virtual Machine
specification [JVMS].

This specification is *different* from the JLS, as it is possible to write
valid bytecode sequences (according to the JVMS) that cannot be genereted
using a JLS compliant compiler.  So, what is Kaffe?  A Java interpreter, or
a Java virtual machine?  ;-)

http://www.kaffe.org says:

What is Kaffe?

* Kaffe is a clean room implementation of the Java virtual machine, plus the associated class libraries needed to provide a Java runtime environment. The Kaffe virtual machine is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License.


What is Kaffe not?

* Kaffe is not an officially licensed version of the Java virtual machine. In fact, it contains no Sun source code at all, and was developed without even looking at the Sun source code. It is legal -- but Sun controls the Java trademark, and has never endorsed Kaffe, so technically, Kaffe is not Java.

</not very important comment>

No, not really. Those packages are explicitely specified in the Java Language Specification, first edition. In fact, for some classes, like java.io.StreamTokenizer, the JLS 1st Ed. is the only place where the semantics of some of the methods is specified at all.

Assume we went along with your interpretation that all the "specified" class
libraries are part of the VM, and that running a Java program does not
"combine" the application classes with the standard class library class ancestors
(like java.lang.Object)[1]. The current JDK 1.4 class libraries, for which
you cannot buy a written specification (in a book), contains all kind of
things like XML parsers & so on. Sun Microsystems can unilaterally decide what
can be added to the standard libraries.

Sun unilaterally decided and will decide what can be added to their libraries. Why does that matter? Why does being able to buy a book matter in order to interpret the GPL in this case?

So, here is a hypothetical situation, where Sun could abuse its powers under
your interpretation of the FSF's opinion:

This is debian, it's not Sun. ;)

If you have a concern that Sun could abuse kaffe, take it to Sun or kaffe, *when it happens*. There is not much point in discussing hypothetical cases on debian-legal in my opinion, if they are not related to debian at all.

So, in my opinion, your interpretation that class libraries are part of the VM would create
an important loophole in the GPL. If Kaffe wants to allow classes to be combined with its libraries
and wants to allow the class libraries to be combined with the core VM (to implement System.gc(), etc.),
it should provide an *explicit* exception to the GPL, as does Classpath, Guile, and other
similar GNU projects.

You're committing a classical fallacy: Appeal to Consequences of a Belief [1]. The consequences of my interpretation do not matter when we discuss whether it is correct or wrong.

The case is not much different that with binary modules in the kernel. One copyright holder (Linus Torvalds) has expressed his interpretation of the GPL, the FSF has expressed another, and everyone lives on happily, and nobody is getting sued. I'm just one copyright holder of many on kaffe. That's my interpretation, others may agree or not. They don't have to, I don't run a copyright-assignment business like the FSF does.

My interpretation does not create loopholes in GPL, that aren't there to begin with. GPL, as any legal document, is open to interpretation between the parties. Sometimes people interpret different things differently, and in my opinion, the existance of numerous people disagreeing with FSFs interpretation (like Linux Torvalds' school of GPL interpretation), proves that the GPL is ambiguous in those cases. I don't think the problem is my interpretation, the problem would be the GPL allowing seemingly contradictory interpretations. But that's not a problem for debian-legal, it's a problem for the FSF's GPL3.

Debian basically can say: we follow FSF blindly, and agree to FSFs dogmas on any issue, or they can think for themselves, interpreting some issues differently from the FSF. They have done so already ('free' documentation license debate), and as Debian is independant from FSF, I don't see Debian necessarily following the FSF's interpretation on everything.

My interpretation would be that only the "bytecode interpreter" can be considered as
a software that receives .class files as input data and delivers execution as output,
thus, its license would have no relation to the data's license.

That's my interpretation of 'interpeter' as well. Program that acts on some data. So I think FSF has no point in their interpretation of interpreters ;). But that's not what we were discussing specifically.

Also, according to your interpretation, GNU libc could be licensed under the GPL, instead
of the LGPL. I see no reason for the FSF to continue licensing GNU libc under the LGPL
(which the FSF dislikes) if using standard functions (ISO C, POSIX, etc) did not cause
"combining of application code with library code to form a derived work".

I'm not FSF, I don't speak or think for them. I'm not a copyright holder on GNU libc, so my interpretation is likely to be irrelevant in that case. FSF can license libc as FSF wants without the need to consult me.

In conclusion, I think that your interpretation of the FSF's position is wrong, as it
does not conform to to the FSF's historical use of the GPL vs LGPL, and because your
interpretation would open a gigantic loophole in the GPL.

I don't interpret FSF's position. I interpreted the GPL, in how I think it applies to programms written in Java with respect to running them on kaffe. I may be wrong, I'm not a legal scholar, other copyright holders may disagree, and so on.


I think that one important problem is the lack of:

1- Well written (or defined) specifications for Java, its VM, and its
   class libraries.

2- A well defined interface between the above components

3- An independent body controlling the specification.


Yeah, that's a good rant I'd underwrite. But that's not what we are talking about here, right? ;)

dalibor topic

[1] http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/appeal-to-consequences.html

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