
On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 19:23, Victor Niebla wrote:
> Hi all, has someone succeded on building and using Eclipse with
> Free Vm (like sablevm or kaffe) + Classpath ???

Sure. It works with most of the free runtimes now.
You have your choice of:

- mono + ikvm.net
(2.1 only as far as I know, but IKVM.NET follows GNU Classpath quite
closely so getting 3.0M4 working should not be that difficult.)

- kaffe
Kaffe from CVS (will become 1.1.3 in one/two weeks) can run Eclipse 2.1
out of the box. 3.0M4 needs some patches (that might or might not make
it for 1.1.3):

- gij (GNU Interpreter for Java which comes with gcj)  
Can run both 2.1 and 3.0M4 with some patches to the current CVS tree
(which will become gcc 3.4). See:

You can also mix and match the above and run Eclipse itself with gij,
but your own projects from Eclipse with kaffe:

Or combine it with the java-gnome bindings and the Eclipse project
wizard plugin to get a nice free Gnome development environment:

The only complete free build that I know of is the RedHat native eclipse
(2.1) source RPMs. The build process takes a long time, but then you
have a very, very fast eclipse. And it can also be used on Debian
systems. http://sources.redhat.com/eclipse/
Hints to get the JDT working out of the box on Debian unstable/x86 with
the above RPMs can be found at:



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