
On Thu, 2004-03-04 at 23:27, Ean Schuessler wrote:
> [...] we need to talk [...]

Yes! And you did. Thanks for joining us last evening on #kaffe
(irc.gnu.org). I am really glad that we are communicating now.

> Reasonably, however, you need to acknowledge 
> that Arnaud's efforts to work with *me* since I made my request have been 
> less than acceptable. Continuing to NMU the package without communication, 
> refusing to communicate requests with me in advance of making changes and all 
> the other things I've detailed are not the kind of actions that are going to 
> get a Kaffe strike force productively rolling ahead.

You will probably still not call me reasonable. Most of the feedback you
got on the list was because people know Arnaud. And they know that he
communicates, that he means well, that he really wants to work together
with others and that he doesn't want to offend people or do things just
on his own. People don't yet know Ean (anymore). I am glad he is now

You said that you have seniority. And that is true. You go back to the
old free java hackers. You have known about the world when kaffe was the
way people learned about this java programming language. When people
were amazed that the free software community could make this neat idea
work. That kaffe showed that a JIT is something that works on multiple
platforms. When the proprietary implementation was playing catch up. And
when Sun seemed nicer about working together on standards. You probably
remember the Jolt project were Eric Raymond, Tim Wilkinson and Guy
Steele from Sun worked together on free java [1]. Those were exiting
times! We want that world back! Nobody back then probably thought that
it would develop into some fat, slow, proprietary and silly Sun thing.

And we do need your help. We lost a lot of the old free java hackers. I
am really glad you didn't give up like some of the others mentioned
above. We might be a bit younger and have less seniority, but we make up
for it by showing a amazing passion to turn this into a good thing for
the free software world and Debian in particular. There are so many
people writing free software in the java programming language. We want
to welcome them to Debian. Make Debian the best java-like platform there

I saw you already joined the Debian Java packaging project on alioth
[2]. And even though I am not a Debian developer I did join the
Pkg-java-kaffe mailinglist [3] so I am hopefully able to help with any
packaging questions that need upstream guidance.

Hope we will work nicely together.



[1] http://linux4u.jinr.ru/usoft/WWW/www_redhat.com/linux-info/jolt/
[2] http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/
[3] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-java-kaffe/

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