On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 10:33:18AM +0100, Tom Badran wrote:
> I have an application that uses a borderlayout, where the BorderLayout.CENTER 
> component is a Panel reference, to a class instance that is a subclass of 
> Panel. The initial add is fine, and it all works well, however if i do a 
> remove(Panel) then change the Panel reference to a different subclass of 
> Panel and do an add(Panel) nothing happens. There are no errors, it just 
> doesnt show. If i change back to the other instance that doesnt show either. 
> Both panel instances are initialised at start time, before either is added to 
> the screen.
> Basically my app simply wants to swap which instance is used in the 
> borderlayout.CENTER without ever destroying either instance, and keeping both 
> instances in memory.
> Any ideas? (blackdown sdk btw)

Did you call validate() after adding the new component? If resizing the
window shows the new Panel subclass, that is most likely the solution.


|              Benford's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law:              |
| Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.|
|              -- Gregory Benford. Foundation's Fear. 1997             |

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