I guess this might be a difference between stable and unstable (I'm using
woody).  When I apt-get install java-common, it is successful and reports that I
have the newest version.  But there is no dummy-packages/ directory or any
*.control files anywhere in that heirarchy. I did a search across the entire
system (in case the install location had changed), but still didn't find

If someone can point me in the right direction here, it would be great.  I'm a
relative newbie to most of these functions of Debian.


On Mon, 12 May 2003 18:18:55 -0700
Warren Dodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This one time, at band camp, Michael S Daines said:
> > I grabbed a Debian Java FAQ from a link here recently and was trying to
> > work through it this weekend.  I stumbled, however when I was asked to
> >     apt-get install java2-common
> > This package is not found anywhere I know to look.  The next step in the
> > faq requires using some *.control files that just don't exist, so I assume
> > they're from this package (dummy-package?).
> >
> > Can somone point me in the right direction here on how to get over this
> > hump? Also, I've never added sources before, so if that is necessary, just
> > a one-line example would be great.
> >
> > Thanx,
> > msd
> As far as I know, the FAQ is for unstable/sid, so if you're using woody or 
> testing, I'm not sure what to do.
> The package java-common (not java2-common) contains the .control files you're 
> looking for:
> java-compiler-dummy.control
> java-virtual-machine-dummy.control
> java1-runtime-dummy.control
> java2-compiler-dummy.control
> java2-runtime-dummy.control
> Feed those into equivs-build and install the resulting packages with dpkg. You
> should be good to go.
> Some command-line formatting got lost in the HTML of the FAQ; here's how the 
> various commands should look:
> cd /var/install/java 
> mkdir pkg 
> cp /usr/share/doc/java-common/dummy-packages/*.control /var/install/java/pkg
> equivs-build java-compiler-dummy.control 
> equivs-build java-virtual-machine-dummy.control 
> equivs-build java-runtime-dummy.control 
> equivs-build java2-compiler-dummy.control 
> equivs-build java2-runtime-dummy.control 
> update-alternatives --verbose --install /usr/bin/java java \
>   /usr/local/lib/jdk/bin/java 500 \
>   --slave /usr/share/man/man1/java.1 java.1 \
>   /usr/local/lib/jdk/man/man1/java.1
> HTH,
> Warren

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