Hallo Stefan,

* Stefan Gybas wrote:
>>Excellent! ;) Can I copy/paste it in mine? ;)

I've also just inherited this code... :)

>I've written this code 2 years ago when Blackdown changed their 
>JAVA_HOME in the j2sdk1.3 packages from /usr/lib/j2sdk1.3 to 
>/usr/lib/j2se/1.3 so packages could be build with both versions (see 
>#122584). It ist not meant for selecting different JDK versions!

I've had a look at this bug and I thing we should not fource a
specific javac or java at our users. If they don't want to download a
BD JDK, then this should be made possible.

IMO java on debian needs some helper programms:

* a skript, which selects a jdk/JVM based on 
  2. requirements to the JVM Version
  3. some 'values' for 'completenes of API, etc'
  4 /usr/bin/java
  Maybe this should also be supported by virtual packages, which are
  telling something about the 'API Completenes' or 'API Level'.
  java-virtual-machine or java2-runtime is IMO not enough.   

* A skript which installs *any* jdk/jre-bin properly (mpkg-j2sdk is a
  start, but it doesn't work with IBM SDK1.4), including
  mozilla-plugins and so on.  This should be properly advertiesed in
  FAQ, README, Mozilla Maintainer, etc

* A system to get a classpath at runtime, similar to shlibs files at
  compiletime (if I haven't understood something wrong there).

Jan Schulz                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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