Hallo Dalibor,

* Dalibor Topic wrote:
>> A precise interface should be discussed together. Off my head:
>>   -classpath, -cp, -sourcepath, -O, -d, -g, -deprecation
>I'd remove a few things from the list, since javac 1.4.2 doesn't support -cp
>and javac 1.4.2 doesn't support -O.

I thought that javac 1.4.2 actually added -cp? Anyway, we can seperate
the interface for java and javac. I don't actually mind, if we have
-cp, as patching programms to use -classpath should be fairly easy.

  -classpath -bootclasspath -jar -dxx=xx 

  -classpath -sourcepath -bootclasspath -d -target -g

In my opinion it is better to use a jitter than -O, especially if we
have more that one JVM.

>> rt.jar could be defined by default, but overridable with -bootclasspath 
>> (handled in the wrapper if necessary). This matches Sun's javac 
>> behaviour, so it should make more existing scripts work out of the box 
>> on Debian.
>-bootclasspath is somewhat tricky. I'm not sure how to do this with kjc, which
>is intergrated into kaffe.

I thought it doesn't put the rt jar on the claspath, when you specify
-classpath. So add the -bootclasspath before the rt.jar (or whatever
it is names) and it should be fine. If thats the search path for
classes... Without, we probably can't use kjc, as a javac replacement
or ant compiler, as the result would be unpredictable, especially when
a programm wants to have a newer version of one of teh included APIs

Jan Schulz                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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