Hallo Ben,

* Ben Burton wrote:
>> >> 2.2. Java Development Tools
>> >Ant is used by some packages, but why mandate that ant must be used?
>FWIW, this "should use ant" directive occurs in two places.  Once in
>section 2.7 (which you said earlier that you'd changed and which I
>suspect is the if/else block you're referring to), and once in the first
>paragraph of section 2.2 (which is what Mark was actually referring to).

Soory, good find!

Changed to 
As there is almost no control over different java compilers, package
&should; either use <filename>ant</filename> to compile and build java
packages, or directly access the required tools. They &must; not use
the alternative managed <filename>/usr/bin/javadoc</filename> or
<filename>/usr/bin/javac</filename>. The ant environement is handled
via the java-config system (see below). For java development kits,
which aren't distributable by debian the "unfree" interface for ant
environments should be used. 
Jan Schulz                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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