
I have repackaged libforms-java, using kaffe (I formerly also successfully
used free-java-sdk but was convinced to jump to kaffe), but (see attached
file for details):
1. I hit the current GUI issue with kaffe 1.6.
2. free-java-sdk aka sablevm does not really work.
3. the thing works perfectly with Sun's Java, and as part of FreeMind.
4. the example also does work actually with kaffe 1.5, even though there
is a warning about "NO LAYOUT SET !!!", and the GUI is kind of "not so
nice" (but usable, see picture).

So, does it qualify for main, or not? And, anyway, does someone want to be
my sponsor (Arnaud, you candidated!?)?

Thanks, Eric

PS: right now, I didn't yet upload the new version to CVS, but will do
shortly, and the packages are available from:
deb http://eric.lavar.de/comp/linux/debian/ experimental/
deb-src http://eric.lavar.de/comp/linux/debian/ experimental/

Eric de France, d'Allemagne et de Navarre

Attachment: libforms.out
Description: Binary data

Attachment: forms-kaffe1_5.png
Description: PNG image

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