
On Tue, 2005-11-29 at 09:34 +0100, Michael Koch wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 12:33:52AM +0100, Sebastian Menge wrote:
> The problem is that SWT_AWT uses a class that is only available in
> SUN-derived VMs. This class is in a protected namespace and not
> docmented publicly. GNU classpath derived VMs cannot implement it.
> This is some legal barrier too.
> GNU classpath provides a similar mechanism to embed windows in remote
> applications called EmbeddedWindow extension. This extension exists only
> in GNU classpath derived VMs. The question is if Eclipse can find a way
> to support both (the first for SUN derived VMs and the later for GNU
> classpath derived VMs). The best solution would be to submit a JSR to
> add an extension like this to the official Java API. Then both sides
> (and others too) can implement it and all applications can use the same
> code for all VMs.

For those wanting help out. The embedded window support class from GNU
Classpath is gnu.java.awt.EmbeddedWindow. Some more background on the
bridge and SWT support in general can be found in the developer wiki:
And some more background can be found in this mailing list thread:



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