El mié, 13-06-2007 a las 23:37 -0500, Tom Marble escribió:
> 7. GUI tools for making choices
>    (e.g. a GUI front end for update-java-alternatives).

There's something called galternatives, a front end to
update-alternatives, but it's dead upstream.

> Packaging
> ---------
> 9. Debhelper tools to help packaging Java libraries and
>    applications easier and less error prone (e.g. dh_installjars,
>    cdbs extensions).

I'd like to have something like dh_shlibsdeps for java apps, and use
something like "Depends: ${java:Depends}" on the debian/control file

> Upstream and distro Integration
> -------------------------------
> 13. Common upstream watcher.  As many distros are interested
>     in new versions from the same upstream runtimes (and
>     libraries and apps) it seems that there is an opportunity
>     for us to collaborate at a community level on
>     some sort of notification of upstream publication
>     (i.e. something as simple as Atom/RSS for new versions)

That sounds great :D

> 14. Common package decomposition and interdependencies.
>     Again as many of these applications are identical across
>     distros (as are the libraries) we may be able to
>     reduce our community "energy budget" on packaging if
>     we can share the dependency graph despite packaging
>     format differences.
> 15. Common upstream/downstream bug integration.
>     Ideally if a bug is found in one distro it gets a
>     tracking bug upstream... and then the upstream bug
>     can point to all the distro specific bugs.
>     Perhaps stated more generally -- wouldn't it be
>     great if searching on "xcb protocol" would
>     list Java issues on *all* distros?

Integrate all of the distros Bug Tracking Systems in a common framework
looks like a big job, maybe we can work on a common interface showing
the information taken from every bug tracking tool. BTS has a SOA
interface and a LDAP gateway where all of the Bugs information is
stored, I'm not sure how the others Bug tracking tools works.

Maybe we can discuss some details about the Debian Webapps Policy[0] and

[0] http://webapps-common.alioth.debian.org/draft/html/


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