reassign 537290 classpath-common

No, there's nothing wrong with gcj-jdk. It defines a conflict with the current classpath-common. What needs to be done: update classpath to 0.98, build cacao using the new classpath, then decide what to do with the tools which are both built by gcj-jdk and classpath, if we want to avoid the conflict. classpath/cacao should at least provide something like /usr/lib/jvm/<something> and provide alternatives as other JVM's do.

Maybe it is a help to provide a new cacao-source source package just building the cacao-source binary package, which then is then used by classpath and openjdk-6 to build the cacao runtime.

If nobody is interested in classpath, then we maybe should remove it.


On 16.07.2009 14:10, Daniel Schepler wrote:
Package: classpath-common, gcj-jdk
Severity: serious

classpath-common and gcj-jdk both have the file
/usr/share/man/man1/gappletviewer.1.gz.  It seems gcj-jdk tried to "fix" the
issue using a versioned conflict with classpath-common; however, that makes
cacao's Build-Depends unsatisfiable as it Build-Depends on both classpath-
common and default-jdk-builddep (at least on !alpha).

Wouldn't it make sense to handle this as an alternative, since gcj uses
classpath libraries anyway?

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