I did a practice partial archive rebuild with ebourg's 1.8 default-jdk,
to see what kind of problems might be left.  1144 packages[1] that
dose-debuildcheck thinks depend on default-jdk, around ten
unexpected/new failures.

My full notes are on whiteboard[2], with a backup at time of sending[3].

Final build logs; anything marked as "failure" here failed multiple times:

Probably broken by jdk8:

default-jdk doesn't have /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/lib/tools.jar:
 * biojava3-live
 * biojava4-live

Refuses to run under jdk8:
 * netbeans

fatal error: jni_md.h: No such file or directory
 * libnb-platform18-java

"cannot access" errors are, I think, from -source 1.5:
 * xmlbeans error: cannot access TypeStoreUser
 * lucene4.10 error: cannot access SelfDescribing
 * lucene4 error: cannot access SelfDescribing
 * sweethome3d-furniture-editor error: cannot access Localizable
 * freemind error: cannot access Opcodes

 * gnome-split @Override

And, not so sure about these:
 * jaxb <anonymous com.sun.tools.jxc.model.nav.ApNavigator$1> is not abstract 
and does not override abstract method <A>getAnnotationsByType(Class<A>) in 
 * jing-trang Annotations cannot be converted to AnnotationsImpl
 * maven-stapler-plugin javadoc: error - option -locale must be first on the 
command line.

On top of these, there's:
 * Eclipse things (which we know is being worked on)
 * 15 packages which are probably broken due to incompatability with the
       builder, or flaky test sets, which should probably be re-tested.
 * 15 packages which need more time or memory or.. than the builder was
       willing to give them, and should probably be tested.
 * ~17 packages with RC bugs already
 * ~15 packages with other build problems

Some of these may have already been fixed; been doing this for a few
days, on and off.

(I'm on-list but much prefer IRC; #debian-java @ oftc.)

1: https://paste.debian.net/310020/
2: http://whiteboard.debian.net/a69515.txt
3: https://paste.debian.net/310023/

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