Hi all,

We've completed the migration of the Java Team stuff from Alioth to
Salsa this month, and I'd like to summarize what has been done and how
to operate on Salsa.

GitLab membership and permissions

The java-team group on Salsa [1] has been populated with the active
contributors that were subscribed to the pkg-java group on Alioth.
Alioth admins have the 'Owner' role; Debian Developers have the 'Master'
role and can perform most configuration and update tasks; Debian
Developers and guest accounts have the 'Developer' role allowing
repository updates but not creations.

Similarly to Alioth the java-team group is open to anyone willing to

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/java-team

Git repositories

1145 Git repositories from the pkg-java group and 13 from collab-maint
have been migrated from Alioth to the java-team group on Salsa. This
includes old repositories of packages that are no longer in Debian. The
repositories have all been deleted from Alioth, so they won't show up in
the Alioth backup archives. I've kept a local copy of the repositories
rsynced from Alioth, if an improperly migrated repository is found just
ping me to restore it.

The Alioth HTTP redirections have been configured for the migrated
repositories, the old cgit URLs are automatically redirected to Salsa
(for example https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/tomcat8.git goes
to https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/tomcat8). The commit URLs, as
those commonly found in the BTS messages sent by the fix pending hook,
are also redirected.

The pkg-java-scripts repository contains a script [2] to create new
repositories on Salsa, it replaces the
/srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/setup-repository script we used on
Alioth. The script automatically configures the repository with the
right options and hooks to notify the IRC channel and the
pkg-java-commits list. Some repositories under the java-team group
weren't created by this script and have an inconsistent configuration. I
plan to write a script detecting and fixing these repositories

There is also another script [3] available to update the Vcs-* fields of
a package. The script changes the URLs in debian/control and updates the
git remote of the local repository if necessary.

The repositories are configured to send a notification to
pkg-java-comm...@lists.alioth.debian.org on pushes. Unfortunately other
notifications such as new merge requests or comments on commits are not
sent to the list, you have to configure your watch settings on the
java-team group to receive them. I started working on a GitLab hook [4]
that would forward these notifications to
pkg-java-maintain...@lists.alioth.debian.org but it isn't ready yet
(help is welcome).

Some repositories were replicated to GitHub with the hope that it would
attract more contributors. It didn't really work as expected
unfortunately. I've removed most of the GitHub mirrors since GitLab now
provides a good alternative. The remaining repositories are those with
open pull requests (such as the java-package repository).

[4] https://salsa.debian.org/salsa/webhook/merge_requests/6

Subversion repository

The 61 remaining packages still in Subversion have been migrated to Git
on Salsa (Thank you Markus!). There is no HTTP redirection for these
packages. I plan the remount a read-only copy of the pkg-java repository
at https://java.debian.net/svn/ once the repository archive is available
at https://alioth-archive.debian.org/.

If you plan to upload one of the packages please review the tags, they
were often placed on the wrong commits by the migration script and
fixing them would be nice.

Mailing lists

We had two mailing lists hosted on Alioth,
pkg-java-maintain...@lists.alioth.debian.org and
pkg-java-comm...@lists.alioth.debian.org. They have been moved over to
https://alioth-lists.debian.net. The addresses remain the same and the
Maintainer field in debian/control doesn't change. I'm the only admin of
these lists for now but it would be nice to have more admins/moderators.


Alioth also hosted the website of the Java Team
(http://java.debian.net). The content of the site is split in two
repositories, the main site [5] and the blog [6]. I configured GitLab
jobs to deploy them automatically. Every time a modification is pushed
it's published within a minute to:

Custom domains for GitLab pages are currently disabled on Salsa, so I
moved the java.debian.net domain to one of my servers and I configured a
reverse proxy fetching from java-team.pages.debian.net. I expect this
setup to be a temporary workaround until a proper solution using the
Debian infrastructure is available.

[5] https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/website
[6] https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/pkg-java-team


The Debian wiki [7] has been updated to replace the references to Alioth
with Salsa.

[7] https://wiki.debian.org/Java

I hope nothing has been overlooked during the migration, please let me
now if there is anything wrong.

Emmanuel Bourg

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