On Tue, 3 Jul 2018, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

> Le 02/07/2018 à 17:59, Thorsten Glaser a écrit :
> > Revert default-jdk to 8 until these all are fixed.
> > (Since the internal APIs are, well, internal, they
> > all ought to be fixed by their respective upstreams
> > *anyway* AIUI.)
> Reverting to OpenJDK 8 won't help, because most of the private APIs
> don't have a public replacement yet.

It will help in that, when building with OpenJDK 8, plexus-compiler
will not need to add a --release, and as such, they’ll “still” be
available in legacy mode.

The goal here is:

Build all packages so that they run with Java 8. If we can achieve
that with Java 9, 10, 11, so be it. If not, the package is slightly
buggy (see below), and we’ll have to build it with Java 8 until that
is fixed.

The assumption here is:

Use of these internal APIs is a bug in the package, to be fixed
anyway, and the workaround will not live for a long time.

I think that Java 8 builds already warn (please correct me if wrong)
if those APIs are used; this could lead to an easy MBF and workaround
upload from scanning old build logs.

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