Am 12.08.2018 um 00:52 schrieb Emmanuel Bourg:
>> I can start packaging
>> libservlet4.0-java (I would name source and binary package the same). Is
>> it this one?
> Yes that's this one, thank you for jumping in but I've already prepared
> the package. No package needs the Servlet API 4.0 yet, even Spring
> Framework which is rather cutting edge still uses the version 3.1 in its
> latest releases. So there is no hurry to upload it.

Even better. I need the Servlet API 4.0 for upgrading undertow to the
2.x version though. Undertow is not the most important Java package
these days but it would still be nice to upgrade it.

> As for the source package name I'm not decided yet. Either keep the
> historical libservletX-java scheme which was already used for the
> versions 2.2 and 2.4, or use servlet-api-X which is more in line with
> the recent Java EE packages uploaded (jaxb-api, cdi-api, jaxws-api,
> jaxrs-api, etc).

I am more in favor of using our standard scheme and append -java to the
package, just for avoiding namespace pollution. Servlet sounds a bit
generic to me, although it is a term I associate with the Java world. We
could keep the historical scheme in this case to avoid any confusion.
servlet-api-java would also work for me.

> Alternatively, we may even try to go with a versionless name
> (servlet-api), and spin-off a versionned packages only if required due
> to substantial incompatibilities introduced in the new releases.
> For example, src:servlet-api would build libservlet-api-java/4.0-1, if
> the Servlet API 4.1 is source compatible with the version 4.0, we just
> upgrade the package. If later the version 4.2 breaks too many things we
> create a package with the version 4.1 and we keep upgrading the
> versionless package.
> (Just some thoughts for discussion, I have no preference)

Yes, the introduction of a versionless libservlet-api-java binary
package could simplify transitions in the future. For those packages who
continue to build fine after an upgrade to 4.2 no further changes would
be required. For the rest we could change the build-dependency back to
libservlet4.1-java as you said. I would create an empty
libservlet-api-java package and depend on the latest version of the
Servlet API in Debian.


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