On Sun, 12 Aug 2018, Markus Koschany wrote:

> May I suggest that we turn this objection into more positive energy.

Sure (given enough time; but as I need the Java stuff for $dayjob
I can justify doing some of the work “on the clock”).

I’m somewhat of an expert in shell scripting, and I use a lot of
systemd-less systems.

> packages still use sysv-init on their systems. We could keep all
> sysv-init related scripts and stuff but only if someone steps up who
> wants to test them in a real-life environment. Otherwise it is just more

I probably cannot test *all* of them, or at least not without
good instructions on what to test and how, but I can try and

> usually easier for smaller server/daemon packages but Tomcat is rather
> complex and we had reports about security vulnerabilities in our
> sysv-init scripts before, that could have been avoided if we had used
> systemd before.

Indeed. I had to write a sysvinit script for Wildfly once, and
the current Tomcat script pales in comparison to that. Perhaps
I can look at how Tomcat is started and redo the init script.

[ restart ]
> canonical way to override systemd settings is to write a user specific
> service file and install it into /etc/systemd/system which will then
> override Debian's settings. The restart option is a good default. Those
> who are not happy with it, can always override it.

Hm. Not convinced, but…

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