On 09/18/2018 03:52 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Olivier,
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 03:16:07PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> I now know where to look for other ftp/http access attempts (there are way
>> more.)
> I've now worked down all remote access tests in htsjdk and thought I would
> be through all hassle but now I'm facing the following:
>    debian/rules override_jh_installlibs
> make[1]: Entering directory '/build/htsjdk-2.16.1+dfsg'
> jh_installlibs --version-strip='[+]dfsg[.0-9]*'
> jh_installlibs: copy(build/libs/htsjdk-*.jar, 
> debian/libhtsjdk-java/usr/share/java/htsjdk-*-2.16.1.jar): No such file or 
> directory
>         install -d debian/libhtsjdk-java/usr/share/java
>         install -p -m0644 build/libs/htsjdk-\*.jar 
> debian/libhtsjdk-java/usr/share/java/htsjdk-\*-2.16.1.jar
> make[1]: *** [debian/rules:22: override_jh_installlibs] Error 2
> The overide in d/rules is:
> override_jh_installlibs:
>       jh_installlibs --version-strip='[+]dfsg[.0-9]*'
well, when I built htsjdk, it did with the same override, I faced no issue.
I just pulled your updates and tried to build with gbp, again it works
for me.
So could be related to pbuilder build.
> and
> $ cat debian/*jlibs
> build/libs/htsjdk-*.jar
> Inside the pbuilder chroot it looks like this:
> /build/htsjdk-2.16.1+dfsg# ls build/libs/htsjdk-*.jar
> build/libs/htsjdk-2.16.1.jar
> /build/htsjdk-2.16.1+dfsg# ls debian/libhtsjdk-java/usr/share/java/
> /build/htsjdk-2.16.1+dfsg# cp -a build/libs/htsjdk-\*.jar 
> debian/libhtsjdk-java/usr/share/java/htsjdk-\*-2.16.1.jar
> cp: cannot stat 'build/libs/htsjdk-*.jar': No such file or directory
> I tried to get rid of the override in d/rules but the result is the same:
>    jh_installlibs -O--buildsystem=gradle
> jh_installlibs: copy(build/libs/htsjdk-*.jar, 
> debian/libhtsjdk-java/usr/share/java/htsjdk-*-2.16.1+dfsg.jar): No such file 
> or directory
>         install -d debian/libhtsjdk-java/usr/share/java
>         install -p -m0644 build/libs/htsjdk-\*.jar 
> debian/libhtsjdk-java/usr/share/java/htsjdk-\*-2.16.1\+dfsg.jar
> make: *** [debian/rules:12: binary] Error 2
> dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 
> 2
> I could work around this by simply overriding jh_installlibs by a copy
> statement but I'd love to avoid this kind of hacks.
> Any idea what might be wrong here?
> Kind regards
>       Andreas.

Olivier Sallou
Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA
Irisa, Campus de Beaulieu

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