Hi Sunil,

Sorry for jumping in but I recently answered on the same topic:
And here I had attached the dependencies for all the packages
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=760485#74 and as I did it
half a year ago, half of it had probably already changed...

FastTrack sounds good. The current pace is a release every 2-3 months, if
the new versions can go there directly that sounds like it will solve the
problem. But, of course, we want to speed up this process.

You said: "Once the packages have stabilized enough (over the months/years)
they can move into unstable/testing/stable. "
Looking at the past 5-6 years, there is no such thing as "stabilized enough
", I can give you many examples ... and there is one coming in August ...
PlanB will be dropped off from chrome. So this means whatever version you
have of jitsi-meet, it will stop working in August and everyone needs to
update to the latest stable that we even haven't started working on yet and
probably will be out a month or so earlier.
So for the past 5-6 years, this is how things move, every browser updates
at a 6-week pace, and we basically follow it. So we need to be pushing
releases every 6 weeks and someone needs to dedicate be working on that to
update the repositories with the new version and work on adding the new
dependencies to the official repos ...

Thanks for the interest

On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 11:49 AM Sunil Mohan Adapa <su...@medhas.org> wrote:

> On 26/04/21 12:03 am, Ingo Bauersachs wrote:
> [...]
> >
> > I'm a committer in Jitsi and lurking around here. The idea to get
> > Jitsi Meet into Debian is IMO very ambitious. I'm wondering how you
> > intend to keep the packages up-to-date once they entered a stable
> > release? WebRTC is such a fast moving technology and having a year
> > old Videobridge is likely going to be broken/not working anymore.
> I am only vaguely aware of the issue with Jitsi Meet doing catch up with
> WebRTC standard due to something I read earlier. I hope Jitsi
> Videobridge does not suffer the same issue. Or do Meet and Videobridge
> have strong version dependencies?
> One idea is to maintain the fast moving packages in Debian
> fasttrack[1][2]. Once the packages have stabilized enough (over the
> months/years) they can move into unstable/testing/stable. In FreedomBox,
> we have made the decision to make selected packages from fasttrack
> available to our end users (this will be backed by user interface to set
> user expectations, daily automatic software updates, scheduled snapshots
> and backups).
> >
> > Also, some packages already in Debian (and some in Jitsi) are old and
> > would need updating.
> I will request/assist the maintainers for newer version of these packages.
> > For others, packaging the version used currently
> > in Jitsi is somewhat questionable: the used version of Smack for
> > example is a fork, upstream is at 4.4, but unfortunately, they don't
> > follow SemVer and updating is a major pain. The same often goes with
> > BouncyCastle.
> In this case, it may become appropriate to maintain multiple versions of
> the package: smack-4.4, smack-4.5, etc. In general, this is undesirable
> due to increased bug fixing and security effort. We should try to avoid
> it especially if no other packages depend on the library.
> > I'm currently working on building packages for Jitsi
> > Desktop again, but I'm not considering submitting them to Debian,
> > there are just too many floating dependencies.
> It would certainly be nice to have it in Debian. Please see if it is at
> least suitable for fasttrack.
> >
> > I really don't want to discourage you but hoping to make you aware of
> > the potential (and upcoming) issues.
> I understand. I appreciate the information you have provided as it would
> avoid surprises later.
> Having a robust, mature and feature rich video conferencing in
> FreedomBox is critical. It has been voted the number one priority in
> this year's roadmap. I have several months of time set aside to work on
> Jitsi and I feel prepared to take on the challenge :)
> > I'm not sure if you're active in
> > Jitsi's discussions forums (I'm not), but in any case, Damencho or I
> > would certainly help you need patches applied upstream, you can ping
> > me in issues/PRs with @ibauersachs.
> I just subscribed to the Developers category in the forums. I will
> publish packaging updates there as well.
> Thank you for the offer, I will be sure you ping you in my merge requests.
> >
> > FYI, the package jain-sip-ri-oss-only is just Jain SIP/jsip [1], but
> > without the non open-source files (src/javax/*). The Maven packing is
> > in the Jitsi fork at [2]. The removed files are in the Debian package
> > libsdp-api-java and libsip-api-java (as a clean-room
> > reimplementation). java-sdp-nist-bridge is used to reconnect the
> > deleted sources and libsdp-api-java. Jain-sip, without the
> > repackaging, was the original reason why Jitsi Desktop never made it
> > into Debian (i.e. past the FTP masters) and subsequent efforts were
> > then dropped.
> I see. Good to know. I will package these bits accordingly.
> Links:
> 1) https://fasttrack.debian.net/
> 2) https://wiki.debian.org/FastTrack
> Thanks,
> --
> Sunil

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