Hi Tony and Debian Science

Am Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 09:31:31AM -0800 schrieb tony mancill:
> Hello Debian Med,
> jblas (http://jblas.org/) is a Debian Java team package, but I think it
> is more appropriate to ask about users here.

... well, better Debian Science IMHO (which I'm keeping in the row hereby)

> Upstream has released a
> new version, 1.2.5; Debian currently packages 1.2.4.  From the upstream
> release notes:
> > Release 1.2.5 - Aug 20, 2020
> > 
> > It has been a while! Too long, maybe. In the meantime, GPUs and tensorflow 
> > and pytorch have raised the bar when
> > it comes to ML related computing. Adding automatic differentiation to 
> > compute gradients has become a must-have feature
> > jblas doesn't have. If you're interested in that for the JVM, have a look 
> > at deeplearning4j.org.
> > 
> > It seems people are still using jblas, therefore here is a small update 
> > which makes jblas work under ubuntu20.04 (amd64)
> > and arm64. For these new versions, I switched to openblas, as performance 
> > seems to be comparable, but compilation is
> > much easier.
> > 
> > Major changes and updates:
> > 
> > - updated Linux amd64 to work on ubuntu20.04. Updated libgfortran from 
> > version 3 to 4. Packaged libgfortran and
> >   libquadmath into the JAR file so you don't have to install 
> > libgfortran.so.3 anymore.
> > - Switched from ATLAS to openblas. Because openblas is so much easier to 
> > compile and we can just use the libraries
> >   that are installed. Hopefully the performance / errors are the same.
> > - Added libraries for arm64 (Raspberry Pis for 64bit images like ubuntu 
> > server) and AWS Graviton instances.
> My first question is, do we have users?  Is the software useful to
> maintain in Debian?  The popcon for the package is low (around 15) and
> there haven't been recent bug reports.  If there are users, I will
> gladly prepare an update.

We never really know how good popcon works.  I havn't found any rdepends
for jblas and it does not ring a bell in connection with some Debian Med
package.  However, BLAS in general was discussed on Debian Science
several times - not sure about tha Java implementation.

> And if we do update in Debian, I thought readers of this list might have
> opinions about whether I should switch the Debian packaging from
> building against lapack to openblas.

As far as I know (which is not much!) we should favour openblas.

Kind regards



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