On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 07:19:16AM -0700, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > kppp depends on ppp. As task-kdenetworking depends on kppp it is impossible 
> > to
> > select task-kdenetworking without installing ppp.
> > 
> > Maybe it would be enough that kppp only suggests ppp (or task-kdenetworking
> > suggesting kppp)?
> (NOTE: please dont' take this personally...you are one of *MANY* who hold
> this same opinion about the tasks for KDE...and you are not complaining but
> rather asking so I'm not even near upset about this...)
> Ok...The ONLY purpose I have for the tasks for KDE is to create fake packages
> that make up each of the individual kde* upstream packages.
> task-kdenetwork = kdenetwork
> task-kdeadmin = kdeadmin
> etc...
> If I keep taking out subpackages because they depend on other packages not
> found in the main packages then I'm going to end up with a bunch of 
> tasks that only suggest other packages.
> Where does one draw the line?  If I make all the sub task-* packages suggests
> then task-kde would be pretty pointless...

Maybe ppp - its not KDE.

> as it is now, there is no way for one to just do a apt-get install task-kde
> and get EVERY KDE package...
> there is no real clean way to handle tasks at the moment and the current
> task packages sucks I know..but...
> my opinion is that yea..so what if a apt-get install task-kde installs ppp,
> or installs something else you don't want (I can understand the gripes about
> a ftp server being installed)...don't use apt-get install for install tasks.
> use dselect, console-apt, or one of the other programs that are coming out.
> fine tune you install.

Thats what I do :-).

I understand your point, I only asked because this is the one question of our
students installing kde2. They are connected to a ethernet-lan and don't need
ppp. Now selecting task-kde they are asked installing ppp, too, and they get

Thanks for your answer

Wolfgang Walter

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