>  I have downloaded the new packages for potato and the files are still 
> missing from the documentation. The file I have used for kde-i18n-es is:


> untarred it and looked at the es/ subdirectory. The files I am looking for 
> ARE there. If you want to check it, 
>  kde-i18n-2.0.1/es/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/userguide
> contains subdirectories and files. BUT this subdirectory is not even created 
> by the Debian package.

The problem is not with the Debian package or the packaging process..but
rather in whoever handeled the Makefile.am file in:


It was missing a line which tells the build process that there are subdirs to
process.  Without this line it ignores all of the subdirs...I've fixed this
and am building new packages.  (I need to go commit that fix to CVS before
I forget...)


Ivan E. Moore II
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