
I know this isn't a php list. As I beieve the optional packages are also being maintained by Ivan E. Moore II, here are my - er - experiences...

I have this line in my /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://kde.tdyc.com potato main crypto optional qt1apps

the optional tree includes some updated debs, especially apache with php3.0.18 or php4.0.3pl1. As I installed via dselect, all the apache and php3 packages were replaced and afterwards php3 seemed not to be able to load the mysql module anymore (didn't check the others). So I chose php4 and it works fine -- just the mhash mod won't work as apache crashes immediately.

As I can't remember problems with the official debian packages this might be some compilation/packaging bugs -- or what's my fault?

cu Sönke

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