Am Wednesday 24 January 2001 10:01 schrieb Thibaut Cousin:
> Le Mercredi 24 Janvier 2001 09:49, Michal Kolesar a écrit :
> > What package must to be installed for funcitional java in the konqueror?
> > I have now installed only java-common. And Java dont work on pages.
>   The JDK must be installed (it is in non-free) :
>       jdk1.1         1.1.8v1-3
>       jdk1.1-dev     1.1.8v1-3
>       jdk1.1-native  1.1.8v1-3
>       jdk1.1-native- 1.1.8v1-3
Java does not work fully with the konqueror from kde-2.0 and kde-2.01. 
Full java functionality is currently in cvs and in the upcoming kde-2.1 beta2.
The new java applet code will probably require the blackdown jdk 1.3-FCS 
release to be fully functional. It does not work with jdk1.1.x anymore.
Deb's are available at

If you want to run applets which need ssl, you have to download the jsse 
classes from sun and put the .jar files
into the /usr/share/kjava/apps directory.

WfG, Chris

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