> so...even though I'm going to get the crap beat out of me (already started
> on that)...I'm going to upload packages today.  However somethings are yet
> again changing.  :)  As I keep trying to get the packages to conform to
> policy and whatnot I'm taking this opportunity to continue fixing things. 
> Since the new version of QT is 2.3.0 and the package names have been
> libqt2.2, I've opted to go with libqt2 instead of libqt2.3.  libqt2.2 would
> not make since since it's no longer 2.2.x and libqt2.3 also doesn't as it
> can't coexist with libqt2.2 and it's pointless to have 2 seperate packages.
>  libqt2 is the proper name for it.

Ivan where were you going to upload the packages for 2.3beta1? Can i apt-get 
em on unstable?

Thanks for doing such i kickarse job :)


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