
when starting KDM, I get the following messages in the syslog:

Feb 27 15:31:10 wrpc3 kdm[14955]: can't execute "XBINDIR/xrdb" (err 2)
Feb 27 15:31:23 wrpc3 kdm[14964]: can't execute "XBINDIR/xrdb" (err 2)

Seems to be, a variable is referenced incorrectly (where?).

Since the upgrade, when sending a URL to Netscape, I get a new
Netscape started (complaining about a Netscape allready running).

When tring by hand:

>netscape -remote "openURL(file://www/home.html,new-widow)"
netscape-remote: root window has no children on display :0.0

Can there be any coherence with the KDM problem?

Thanks in advance,

Hubert Palme         Bergische Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Wuppertal
                                      Computing  Center
                                      D-42097 Wuppertal
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             (Germany)

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