>       I run BlackBox as my default gui (for speed reasons only) and use a
> tremendous number of the KDE Apps throughout my systems.
like me, @home my computer is too slow and BB is the faster that i found :)

> while using BB.  The error message is:
> Error - KMail
> Could not start process can't talk to klauncher
me too !!!

> P2 450
> 192 mg RAM
> kernel 2.4.1
> kmail          2.1-final-1    Mail Client based on QT and KDE
> kdebase-libs   2.1.0-1        KDE libraries amd modules for kdebase
> kdebase        2.1.0-1        KDE core applications
> kdebase-crypto 2.1-final-1    KDE core applications (Crypto modules)
> kdebase-doc    2.1.0-1        Documentation for Applications in kdebase
> kdebase-libs   2.1.0-1        KDE libraries amd modules for kdebase
> kdelibs3       2.1.0-1        KDE core libraries (runtime files)
> kdelibs3-crypt 2.1-final-1    KDE core libraries (Crypto Modules)
> libqt2         2.3.0-beta1-2  Qt GUI Library (runtime version).
> libqt2.2       2.3.0-beta1-2  Qt GUI Library (Migration package).
> libqt2.2-mt    2.2.4-5        Qt GUI Library (runtime threaded version).
> licq-plugin-qt 1.0.2-5        Graphical front-end plugin for LICQ using QT
> [i know there's going to be at least three things i overlook sending :( ]
>       Can anyone shed some light, or have I discovered a blip?
all my packages form kde are 2.1-final version.
kernel 2.2.18pre PII 233/96Mo Ram
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