On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 11:46:03AM +0100, Jan Schukat wrote:
> I have only libqt-gl and libqt-mt installed both are not providing libqt2
> dependencies, "only" libqt2.2, but the dpkg yells anyway and I always have to
> use force. Not fatal, but a nuisance.

then your doing something wrong if you have to force the install.

> Why does kde install everything in the /usr tree? I think the /opt tree is
> far more according to the FHS. In /usr I only want to have files that are
> useful in more than one circumstance and general X11 files.

Then I suggest you build and maintain your own packages.  It is against
Debian policy for packages to install anything in /opt.  /opt is meant
for 3rd party software.

> And I had all KOffice applications working, except Kword, still trying to
> find the error, as it attempts to start and ends without any message.
> And I think the font related stuff in task-kde should be promoted to
> recommended.

task-kde is set the way I want it.


Ivan E. Moore II
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