I generally try to firewall any ports that aren't necessary on a box
which is typically easy to do with most services, but two parts of KDE
that start up seem to take whatever ports they feel like, kdm and
kdeinit (or as reprted by netstat, 'kdeinit: kxml').  The ports are
always higher than 1023, so I'm not too worried about them being
root-exploitable, but I still would like to block them if possible.  
I have no plans to access either 'service' from a remote machine outside of 
my network, so I don't need them open anyhow.

Is there a way to specify which ports these services should run on,
such that I can firewall those specific ports and not worry about it?

Dr. Michael K. Neylon :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: http://pinky.wtower.com/mneylon
//  "Pinky, you've left the lens cap of your mind on again." The Brain

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