Digging around on bugs.kde.org, I found out that the problems I'm having with 
my xinerama setup are due to a bug in my xserver, specifically the render 
extension.  The (terse) reply is "disable the render extention".  So.  How in 
the heck do I do that without uninstalling the entire xfree package and 
compiling from source, downgrading to 3.3.6 (ick), or some other weirdness.  
Am I asking too much?  You'd think, with the fact that only a couple drivers 
can do it anyways, that it would be an option that you get seperate to the 
base X install.  So, what are my options?  Besides using Enlightenment as my 
window manager, which, believe me, isn't working too well with kde 2.1.0 :-(



P.S.  I *really* like the AA fonts and everything that RENDER gives me, I 
would just like to be able to actually use kwm more :-P

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