On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 05:12:40AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 March 2001 16:51, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> >   2.  Debian.  where would we put it?  The QT1/KDE1 stuff would not
> > be allowed in the first place due to the licensing issues.  It
> > *can't* go into the potato distribution.  No place else allows
> > rsync and ftp let alone allowing anyone but myself access to it.
> Stupid suggestion: How unfree is the original KDE? Why not non-free? 
> Stick qt in non-free and KDE in main/contrib.

QT is in main...always has been.  however GPL'd binaries built against it
are illegal to distribute.  KDE will say it's implied, Debian stance on it
is that's not enough.  Either way, KDE *IS* in main currently.  There is 
no way in hell KDE will ever go into potato.  potato is stable, out the door,
we are not going to introduce kde + qt  updates to the mix just to have a
place to put the binaries.  KDE is *not* stable enough to be in potato, nuff
said.  The whole point of calling it stable enough for a stable release is
being comfortable enough to say..ok, I don't have to touch that ever again.
We all know that the KDE2 packages I have built for potato are not at that
stage.  The hope is that the KDE2 packages in sid will be by the time 
woody is released.


Ivan E. Moore II
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