
There are problems with some sites, for example hotmail and 

When I try to access the site, konqueror either cant' get there at all or 
crashes after a few "Can't connect to..." dialogs.  This applies only, when I 
don't use a proxy. But, I guess my ISP has a transparent one. Netscape has no 
problems though. I have an account at the local university, so I got things 
working with konqy by using an ssh tunnel to their proxy thus avoiding the 
ISP:s proxy. Could this be a problem with my ISP, broken proxy? 
Again, netscape has no problems.

When I don't use the tunnel, I get following errors in my .xsession-errors:

kio (KRun): ERROR: ERROR 23 www.hotmail.com


kio (KRun): ERROR: ERROR 23 netpool.adhostcenter.com

Konqueror and the libs are version for sid.

I don't know much about proxies, though.
I checked the kde bug database and this looks very much like bug #13965 or 
#11620 (which actually was maked done).

-Jaakko Kyrö

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