On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 11:47:52PM -0700, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > and it does not work.  Are you sure that QT_XFT is = true before you run
> > it?  If not, it won't be AA'd.  
> >  
> > > 2.  new libfreetype6 and login from console via startx
> > > Works as aspected.
> >  
> > haven't tested this yet...will do that next
> ok... I just went into stles, set AA on.  Loged out..shut down kdm.
> alt-f2, logged in as my normal user which I had just turned AA on for.
> startx.....grey screen of death.
> sorry, I still do not see where kdm act's any different than anything else.
> I get the exact same results.  if QT_XFT is true, then it does not work.

Since it's working for me, here's the various packages that I have
installed.  Most of these resulted from updating from debian.org
(yeah, yeah, I know I should use mirrors :-) ), on 3/15/01, using

xfree86-common: 4.0.2-7   (as well as font packages)
xlibs         : 4.0.2-7 
xfs-xtt:      : 1.3.0.xf402-8

kdebase       :
kdebase-libs  :
kdelibs3      :
konqueror     :
konsole       :
kdm           :

libqt2        : 2.3.0-final-1
libqt2.2      : 2.3.0-final-1

libfreetype6  :

I'm also using the 0.9-767 NVidia's supplied driver for my TNT2 card.

I've modified the XfsConfig file as reported here to add a bunch of 
font name aliases.

I've gotten the Microsoft font package and installed that into
/usr/share/fonts/truetype and made the fonts.dir and fonts.scale names.

I've added all the fonts paths to the config files for xfs-xtt,
Xfree, and XftConfig.  

Outside of that, I cannot think of any other changes I have from what
a standard Deb sid system would be running at.

If you need to know what other libraries I'm running, let me know.

Dr. Michael K. Neylon :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: http://pinky.wtower.com/mneylon
//  "Pinky, you've left the lens cap of your mind on again." The Brain

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