El Vie 23 Mar 2001 23:04, paul taylor escribió:
> I am on the verge of having a working system. the last kde piece bombed.
> I got kppp and installed it. I went to configure it and it would dial but
> not make a conection with my ISP. I figured I would go back to pon
> (provider) but now that does the same thing. My ISP is a black belt
> doshead. I cant get the log in script from them and now the only way I can
> dial in is via windows. This is not ideal
> Ideas?????

  I have a very similar problem. I can connect to some machines of my ISP but 
not to all of them. With those that fail, both kppp and pon dial and 
negotiate with the ISP server but when my machine sends my password the ISP 
server does not authenticate myself. It just does not acknowledge, and pppd 
waits and waits. If kppp is running it is killed after 1 minute with signal 
15. This happens using PAP and CHAP.

  Now, I do not think this is kppp problem, since I have a second free ISP 
with which I can connect, and some non-local machines of my main ISP DO work 
with both kppp and pon. I would say that the ISP servers have had some kind 
of update which makes impossible to fullfill the negotiation with a linux 
machine. IMHO this may be an issue for pppd.

  I have a friend in Telefonica (the main spanish phone company) and he says 
they use 2 kind of machines for servers: 3COM and Lucent. He suspects this 
comes from 3COM machines. He has also told me they have found some kind of 
incompatibilty between CHAP for Windows and Linux. A Linux server with CHAP 
does not understand CHAP from new Windows machines.

 Pablo de Vicente.

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