
Since you are using debian, you still may wish to give pppconfig a shot. I am 
using now for my machine and use the 'demand dialing'. All I do is run pon 
after I boot up the box. This sets up pppd to automatically log onto my ISP 
whenever I need outside routing. It hangs up the line after a set period of 
time that you set up during the pppconfig for your account.

I attempted to use kppp on kde 2.0.. It would sometimes work and sometimes 
not. Since I couldn't trace it down I just used debians built in pon/poff.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.

On Friday 23 March 2001 13:15, Pablo de Vicente wrote:
> El Vie 23 Mar 2001 18:08, Victor escribió:
> > After having used kde 2.01 on a redhat box for a year or so, I've
> > installed the latest release of kde 2.1 stable for debian potato on my
> > new PC and go on using kmail as my favourite mail reader.
> > Unfortunately, kppp doesn't run correctly both as a user and as root.
> > After dialing the phone number, it connects giving info about the
> > connection but immediately stop declaring "pppd died unexpectedly - exit
> > status 1" (I had a look at man pppd but this is an extremely generic
> > error) . Neither is /var/log/messages more helpful: it says :
> > "terminating on signal 15". I had a go at chmod u+s /usr/bin/kppp and at
> > giving all the users the same dip group. No success.
> > Could you please help me with it?
>  Try to use 'pon' and 'poff', to check if the problem comes from kppp or
> pppd. pon connects you to your ISP and poff disconnects you from your
> provider. 'pppconfig' will help you to configure your PPP ISP connection.
> You may have a look at /var/log/ppp.log for debugging purposes. All those
> programs come from package ppp.
> Pablo de Vicente.


Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls/TELE: USA-707-442-6579\/A GNU-Debian linux user
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WEB: http://www.qsl.net/ke6sls ICQ: 12741145
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
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