On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:

> > That custom/overlay debianizing template stuff I was babbling about
> > last december has made it into dh_make... may as well use it, eh.
> hmmm...guess I need to recreate my templates that I deleted after 2 releases
> went out the door without the your bits added.

I guess Craig had to discuss it others, he mentioned something about
some Q&A just before v0.26 was released.

I've attached a template based on what you did earlier and what is in
dh_make, maybe it will cut down on some of the re-creating you need to

dh_make uses seperate templates for single and multiple binary
packages, and library packages... were you considering going this
route, or can one size fit all (so to speak)?

- Bruce

Attachment: kde-singlebinary.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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