Hendrik Sattler writes:

 > >    What exactly does "cannot read the letters at all" mean? Do
 > >    they appear displayed with another font? Don't they get
 > >    displayed? Do they appear with any special distortion?
 > >
 > >    I went to the site above and it seems normal, without anything
 > >    wrong...
 > >
 > >    Am I missing something? Can you post a snapshot of what you
 > >    are seeing on some web page?
 > You can see a snapshot here (120k):
 > http://www.hendrik-sattler.de/snap.png
 > It is the original size of the window and it really looks like this :(

Mine looks very much like that.

The only difference seems to be the title bar.  Mine isn't in italics
like yours.  Only some sites seem to be this way.  It is through this
mailing list that I found out that it is a CSS thing.

I just did an 'apt-get update'  'apt-get dist-upgrade', and am running


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