On Sunday 22 April 2001 17:17, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > Starting K display manager: kde-config: error while loading shared
> > libraries: /usr/lib/libqt.so.2: undefined symbol: __pure_virtual
> >
> >
> > FWIW, the version of kdebase and libqt2-gl are:
> >
> > ii  kdebase        2.1.1-3        KDE core applications
> > ii  libqt2-gl      2.3.0-final-1  Qt GUI Library (Open GL Version).
> >
> >
> > I've filed a bug report (debian bug #94676) against libqt2-gl, but I
> > think it's more of an error with KDE than with QT in this case, although
> > i could be wrong.
> why do you thing it's kde's fault that the qt library when linked to the
> opengl libs does not properly link to libgcc?

I don't really understand what you're saying here. Then again, my post wasn't 
very well thought through either. Let me rephrase myself, I have no idea what 
the problem might be, but it's obviously something with QT or KDE, and occurs 
on PPC :)

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