Jens Benecke wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if any of you have the same problem (perhaps on comparable
> hardware: AMD K6-2 500, 192 MB RAM, SCSI hard disks, /home via NFS).
> When I run KDE, *every* *single* *applicaion* (be it xterm, konsole,
> konqueror, or whatever) needs at least 3-5 seconds MORE time to start up
> than with e.g. IceWM.
> I.e. I type Alt-F2 + "xterm". CPU jumps to 100%. 3 seconds nothing happens.
> then xterm pops up and CPU goes down.
> I type "alt F2" and e.g. "gg:foobar". Sometimes >10 seconds elapse before a
> konqueror window pops up and shows me the results.
> Does anybody have a similar problem here?

 Pretty much but it's not that bad.It takes about 2-3 seconds for a
small app to
start and it jumps up to 35%-50% CPU when starting a KDE
.xterm starts-up instantly and jumps about 3%.
 My system is a K6-2/500 with 256MB RAM (no NFS).This is with
samba,ominorb,netscape and 3 konsoles running .

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