
Here are a couple of files I've found useful and would like to see
included in the python*-base packages...

-----8<--- /usr/share/apps/konsole/python-1.5.2.desktop -----
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Python interpreter version 1.5.2
Comment=Python 1.5.2

-----8<--- /usr/share/apps/konsole/python-2.0.desktop -----
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Python interpreter version 2.0
Comment=Python 2.0

What these do is add an entry into Konsole's file menu for each python
interpreter.  What it gets you is: two-click startup of python from
Konsole, a title for the session without having to "rename" it, the
titlebar displays the name of the session ("rename" doesn't do that),
and you can exit the interpreter session with ^D instead of ^D^D.  So,
it is mainly a convenience thing, but the titlebar bit could be argued
as being a useability issue.

Why should _these_ be added to Konsole (it would soon get ugly if
every text based app added stuff to Konsole's File menu)... because
Python must be run from an "xterm" if you are going to use any GUI
stuff (it is not a text based app).

If the Name and Comment field seem reversed, that's because Konsole
uses the Comment as the title of the button it puts on the toolbar...
long comments push the buttons off the window and into a submenu.

I'd file this as a wishlist item, but maybe the debian-kde people have
something to say...

- Bruce

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