Hi.  FWIW, I'm writing a python script to run through debian/ and automate
many of the changes required to turn a woody/sid package into a potato
package.  This script is specifically geared towards KDE apps.

I'm hoping that this will make the creation of up-to-date packages easier,
what with the increasing set of incompatibilities.

Anyway, the current plan is to automate the following changes.  If anyone
has something else to add to this list, please let me know.  (All changes
will be confirmed before they are made).

- Change version from upstream-<n> to upstream-0.potato<n>
- Search for and fix dependencies on upstream-<n> where n >= 1; this is in
debian/control and debian/*.shlibs
- Downgrade DH_COMPAT from 3 to 2 and fix the debhelper version in
- Search debian/rules for dh_installman calls and replace them with a set
of commands that do the same thing (including reading *.manpages)
- Add ldconfig calls to postinst and postrm scripts that are currently
being added by dh_makeshlibs


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