
> I have potato KDE 2.1.1 and potato X3.3.6. I want AA, an from all
> the posts it seems to me that my best option is to dist-upgrade to
> Woody.
> My question is: Do I need to upgrade my KDE as well, and if yes,
> what to put my sources list for this to happen? Here is what i have:
> ftp://ftp.linux.ee/pub/kde.tdyc.com/debian potato main crypto 
> ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
> Do I just have to change potato to woody, and stable to unstable?
> Is this correct?

If you are planning on completely upgrading to woody then all you have to
do is remove the kde.tdyc.com lines from your sources.list file.  KDE is
in woody so the packages will be upgraded as well.

Ivan E. Moore II
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