On Tuesday 03 July 2001 02:25 pm, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 02:46:23PM -0700, David Bishop wrote:
> > On Tuesday 03 July 2001 01:19 pm, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > > ok all you kde junkies...anyone know how I can setup a default bookmark
> > > list so that upon installation a user will have a few bookmarks (ie
> > > things like www.debian.org/debianplanet/etc...)?
> > >
> > > Ivan
> >
> > I'll say the obvious one:  kde.themes.org.  Of course, my mind just went
> > completely blank and I can't think of any others :-P Oh, take that back:
> > dot.kde.org. *Now* I can't think of any others........
> ok...let me rephrase this.
> I need to know *how* to do this.
> but now that you said this...submit your recommendations as well. :)
> Ivan

After I got over the embarrasment, wouldn't this integrate nicely with the 
code that gets run now the first time someone logs in (to setup themes and 
stuff)?  You can just append a call to copy over some default bookmarks.xml 
file from /usr/share/doc/konqy/.  *shrug* Just don't look to me for the 
implementation *grin*

Oh, and I still can't think of any other sites, well, except sluggy.com.  
*Everybody* should read sluggy.....
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