On Wednesday 18 July 2001 05:07, you wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 July 2001 05:13 pm, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> > It's qt that does AA, not KDE.    And 99.9% of AA problems are config
> > error/problems.
> But as far as I'v been able to tell, not this one...  Am I wrong? Is 
> there some way to configure things so that AA works reasonably in 
> Konsole?

As I said, (after updating to qt from unstable in testing) the only 'problem'
I'm aware of is that light of dark background don't look good with default
AA method.  See konsole + AA yourself:


But I have no time to check if RENDER extenstion + qt provide a way
for konsole to switch AA methods.
> > > reason why this hasn't been fixed yet? It seems to be a problem for
> > > everyone...
> >
> > I switched from white on black to black on light yellow and use AA
> > fonts (the M$ ones) always with konsole (on a TFT display).
> It isn't a matter of the AA looking bad, the letters look fine, but all 
> the spacing and character placement goes hooey.  Most noticable in
> dselect and other ncurses apps, regardless of what font or size I use 
> it throws characters around and makes things very difficult to read.  

Fixed here after updateing to qt from unstable.  And even dselect looks
okay (see konsole-aa-rev.png above).

> Without the perfect combination of font/size, everything behaves this 
> way (I sometimes get an inch or more between characters when I type 
> shell commands).
> I'm no expert on AA algorithms, but that doesn't seem like something 
> thats likely to be fixed by changing them.  Not to mention this happens 
> with all different backgrounds...

Only fixed width fonts were affected AFAIK tell (kmail had/has a workaround for 
message window).  Guess why (almost) only konsole looked bad ;)

> -Dan
  To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
  a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
  You discover truth everytime you use it.
                                      -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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