El Vie 20 Jul 2001 05:42, Bruce Sass escribió:
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > > I leave you with this rhetorical question...
> > > If DocBook is such a great format for the end-user to have their
> > > documentation in, why are the files in /usr/share/doc/docbook-doc
> > > HTML.
> >
> > I never said it was a gret format for the end-user.  I said the benifits
> > of using docbook for a distribution outway the spead the end-user gets
> > from viewing documentation.
> >
> > It is easier to maintain a single file than 4 different versions of one.
> > that's not even talking about the size.
> That is the nice thing about the SGML and LaTeX way of doing things --
> you don't need to maintain multiple sets of docs, you maintain one and
> generate what is best for the intended use... be that printing,
> hypertext, plaintext, some special format.
> If KDE was using HTML <period> for their docs, then it is good they
> changed
> > If you want to maintain html versions of the documentation be my guest. 
> > It's a royal pain in the ass and I for one don't even use html. I prefer
> > text.  I know people who prefer .pdf.  Which format should we provide? 
> > All of them? hmmm...let's calculate how much larger the distribution got
> > by providing at least 4 different versions of documentation.
> No need to get carried away, Ivan.  I asked if there were docs
> available in another format, then I asked how to generate HTML from
> the docbook stuff, at no time did suggest that you (or even Debian)
> should provide docs in multiple formats.
> So...
> How do I generate HTML from the KDE docbook documentation?
> That is really the only thing I want to know.

 In previous versions of KDE, for example KDE 2.1.1, the command was:

kdb2html the_file_of_interest.docbook

Then the previous procedure would create a "HTML/" directory just under the 
directory you were, with all contents of the docbook splitted usually in many 
small HTML files, and with an index.html.

I do not know if this happens in KDE 2.2, since I am still using KDE 2.1.1, 
and since KDE has moved from docbook to XML. 

Indeed as a curiosity I should say that now the documentation may be  
translated using PO files, which makes easier for translators using kbabel 
updating  translations. A daily script generates the PO files from the 
original english XML and back, each of the other languages PO files, to the 
appropiate  XML file (with docbook extension) from it.

Pablo de Vicente
KDE spanish translation team

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