You wrote:

> My main concern actually is that without it a visit to a flash
> site causes Konqueror spawn a number of windows going to the
> flash download page..

What qt package are you using?

I used to have a similar problem, and eventually tracked it down to the fact
that I was using the libqt2-gl (which has support for the Qt OpenGL
extension, but which is unnecessary for 99% of OpenGL apps to work,
including all the KDE OpenGL screensavers) package rather than straight

According to discussions on the main KDE lists, there seems to be some kind
of namespace conflict between the flash plugin and qt-gl, which causes the
flash plugin to try and call an OpenGL function rather than its own internal
function, which happens to share the same name.  As these functions are for
quite different purposes, the function fails, and this causes nspluginviewer
(the process which runs the flash plugin and is then embedded in Konqueror)
to crash.  This then triggers the 'missing plugin' procedure in the netscape
plugin interface, which pops up a Konqui window (or several) pointing at the
Macromedia download page.

Qt 2.3.1 also apparently contains a number of fixups regarding handling of
netscape plugins in Konqueror, however the conflict between qt-gl and the
flash plugin still remains.

Hopefully we'll see a proper resolution of this problem eventually, but it
won't come without a bit of restructuring of the netscape plugin handling in


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