On Wednesday 25 July 2001 19:35, Jens Benecke wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 04:47:09PM +0100, John Gay wrote:
> > This seems to come up again and again. Users not in audio group or other
> > access groups. Is there some reason that Debian does not include users
> > into these groups by default?
> Don't let yourself be fooled by the "one-computer one-person" Windows mode
> of thought. One local user, twenty remote users. Or two thousand.
> I don't want two thousand remote shell users to compete with me over one
> audio device, the output of which only I can hear. Think "remote user
> uploads and plays thrash metal MP3 files in the middle of the night".
> > I can't see why you would want to not include a user into one of these
> > groups.
> I can.
Thanks for the info, I wasn't thinking about remote users, but that's why I 
suggest an option.

> > Could it not be part of the installation to ask if all users should be
> > included in groups like audio and such?
> THAT would be an option I would welcome. As long as it stays an option.



        John Gay
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