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> > I've found that I have to play around with the setting of $TERM, the
> > keymaping of konsole, depending on what shell I'm using, and also what OS
> > (bash on solaris works different when I'm telneted to a sun box than it
> > does in linux).  However, I've never had a situation that I wasn't able
> > to find the "right" combo...  For example, to get all my keys working
> > correctly, I use xterm (xfree 3.x.x), with $TERM=xterm.  That gives me
> > color in vim, working backspace *and* delete, and pgup/pgdwn.
> Hello,
>       I too was following this link with great interest. Due to the same
> reasons. Some time ago (months now) I lost the use of the HOME & END keys
> while within X. I, as usual, didn't get too excited about it due to running
> UNSTABLE and figuring it would be dealt with in time. Then when the
> question was finally asked, my interest was peeked.
>       David, where are you implimenting this "...$TERM=xterm..." command at? I
> tried it from within a term, a console, via my .bash_profile, and so far
> haven't had any luck at all. It's not a massively urgent thing, but  I
> really would like the use of those keys back. :--)  I'm sorta a console
> junkie so I have a number of xterms open and running while within X and
> it's a bit of a pain to not have the functional keys when coding, etc.

I'm just setting my $TERM variable to xterm.  If using bash, try "export 
TERM=xterm". (notice no $). I *believe* (as in, don't quote me) that is set 
automatically when you open a new console window with the default being the 
"xterm (xfree 3.x.x) setting.  If you switched that to "linux console", then 
your $TERM would be eq to linux when opening a new konsole.  Notice no 
switching will affect your existing konsole sessions, hence playing around 
with it manually (i.e., the export thing).  So, to summarize:

open konsole, check your $TERM variable (echo $TERM)
change your keyboard settings to xterm 3.x.x
export TERM=xterm
try various keys
if it didn't work, change to xterm 4.x.x
keep $TERM the same
try again
if it didn't work, change to linux console
export TERM=linux
try again
if it didn't work, change to vt100
export TERM=vt100
rinse, repeat.

Hope that helps... That's what I had to do to get mine working right, but I'm 
positive the "perfect combo" depends on what keyboard you are using, Xfree 
setttings, and various other factors, so that the same combo won't work for 
all people.

- -- 
"To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
You discover truth everytime you use it." [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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